
Welcome to our guide on Engineering roles and title. Especially for those starting out, we know that diving into the world of tech can be complicated and confusing, so we created this guide to support your come up.

Key roles include Frontend and Backend Developers who build and maintain websites and apps. Data Scientists analyze complex data to help businesses make decisions. DevOps Engineers streamline the process of updating and deploying software. Cybersecurity Engineers protect our digital spaces. Cloud Solution Engineers work on cloud-based technology. AI Engineers create intelligent computer systems, and AI Ethicists make sure these systems are used ethically. Each of these roles plays an important part in how we use technology today.


Frontend Developer

A frontend developer focuses on the user interface and user experience. They implement the visual and interactive elements of a web application, leveraging languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and often working with frameworks such as React or Angular.

How to Become a Frontend Developer (4-Step Guide for 2023)

Backend Developer

Backend developers manage the server-side of applications, including database interactions, server configuration, and data integration. They primarily work with server-side languages such as Python, Java, or Ruby, and need a good understanding of database technologies like SQL or MongoDB.

What Does a Backend Developer Do Actually? Full 2023 Guide

What's the Difference Between Frontend and Backend Web Development

Data Scientist

Data scientists analyze and interpret complex digital data to assist a business in decision-making. They employ statistical analysis, data visualization, machine learning techniques, and predictive modeling to uncover insights and trends, often using tools such as Python, R, and SQL.

What Is Data Science? A Beginner's Guide